How did I publish Android Library to JCenter from Android Studio

JCenter is a Maven Repository or file server hosted by Bintray for Android libraries. It’s a default repository for Android Studio. I wrote this post to log my experience with open sourcing an Android Library on JCenter.

Checkout my detailed post on Medium or at my techLog.

WebViewOverlay Widget Android Library

I needed a widget that can load a url in WebView in a full-screen closable overlay/modal. I wanted to re-use this new, shiny widget in my other projects as well. So, I decided to upload WebViewOverlay library in a central artifact repository. I chose JCenter because its one of the largest artifact repository for Java and Android libraries and has good integration with Android Studio IDE. 

Checkout my detailed Medium post or at my techLog.

Scheduling Repeating Local Notifications using Alarm Manager

Learn about Scheduling Repeating Local Notifications using Alarm Manager in this post .